Good decisions
Things will be quiet for a bit around here. I have something I am narrowing my focus on that I will share with you soon
Reassessing the work
Do all artists go through this? Is my artwork adding value to the world? Ugh, mental drama!
Fabric glue and sequin film
This is (hopefully) the answer! This tiny experiment seems to be working. I can see my reflection!
Cut, sew, make some fabric
My pattern pieces are cut out. I’ve cut strips of fabric from the shirts and started stitching them together to make fabric. I’ll then cut the pattern pieces from the patchwork fabric.
Diamond pattern ready to print
I have made a 3D model of an emerald cut diamond on Blender. This will form the pattern for my up-cycled shirt diamond.
The new world solution!
I have discovered that I can make my 360 degree ‘world’ .exr file on an online program called ‘Convertio’.
Lost without dialogue
I did a creative workshop last year which resulted in me posting on my blog every day during and since it finished.
Hiccup in the ‘world’
I have been trying to make my HDRI file/’world’ for my 3D gold kangaroo.
1st isolation coat
The cold autumn weather has been good for painting the isolation coat on ‘Male’.
Cutting up shirts
I’ve cut these four shirts up to use the fabric for the diamond you can make with me. These shirts will form the test piece.
‘Male’ is painted!
After several weeks (months) of procrastinating, I have finished painting ‘Male’!
New studio!!
Not just yet, but at some point this year, I will be making art from my new studio!
2 facets joined
It’s working! My improvised piecing combined with pattern piecing is working really well.