Diamond pattern ready to print
I have made a 3D model of an emerald cut diamond on Blender. This will form the pattern for my up-cycled shirt diamond.
The new world solution!
I have discovered that I can make my 360 degree ‘world’ .exr file on an online program called ‘Convertio’.
Hiccup in the ‘world’
I have been trying to make my HDRI file/’world’ for my 3D gold kangaroo.
Very angry face
Oh dear! This is my very angry face! Look out gold kangaroo, Lucy has her glaring eyes on!
Preparing for glamour shot #2
It’s time to redo the background ‘world’ for ‘Young & Free’. Remember that artwork I was working on? It’s not gone, it’s not forgotten.
Redo the ‘world’?
I have an opportunity to retake the 360 degrees photo that I use to make the ‘world’ the gold kangaroo is in. The ‘world’ (HDRI file) surrounding the kangaroo forms the reflection in the gold.