The new side project
The project I hinted at on Friday: A large 2D diamond made out of my old painting rags.
From my sketch book
Translation of the handwriting:
Rag Fabric Diamond
Brilliant diamond or Lucy-shaped diamond?
HUGE. At least 3m diameter.
Perfect, to-scale facets? Or facets as above but a bit wonky like the drawing?
Handstitching over the top with shapes
Or paint them on?
Do I make it a quilt or stretch it flat?
Do I frame it in a chrome gold circular frame? (would that even be possible?) With the claws like the planned frame for ‘Young & Free’?
Do I glue//embroider mirrors or sequins on? Other fabrics?
I’m half-way through pressing the acrylic paint rags.
When I paint I use torn-up old bedsheets as rags to mop up spilled paint, clean brushes, etc. At the end of a painting session I wipe my palettes (plastic take-away container lids) with the rags. I pour the dirty paint water into the take-away tubs and place the rags in them. The water evaporates and the paint is left on the rag. I prefer to do this than to tip the paint water down the sink for the fish etc. to drink.
I have kept these rags, shoved in a box with the intention of doing something with them one day. Like today!
I’ve started pressing them. I will need more, but like I’ve said, this is a slow, on the side project, for when I need a break from the gold kangaroo.
I think I will call this work ‘Need’.
I will expand on these thoughts and ideas as they come to me. There is a lot swimming around in my head at the moment and when the ideas come up to the surface I will share them here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I only do this with acrylic paint rags, NEVER with oil soaked rags. Oil soaked rags left in a pile can spontaneously combust, starting a fire.