Joining the first rags

I continued pressing the paint rags this evening. There’s more than I thought! I couldn’t resist stitching some together. And then cutting them and stitching a little bit more.

A yellow and black acrylic paint rag stitched to a white unused rag

I joined some of the used rags to unused ones.

A multicoloured acrylic paint rag stitched to a white unused rag

Some of the rags are crunchy with paint!

Two acrylic paint rags stitched together

I think the colours and patterns are beautiful. They will look great from a distance and up close.

The joined acrylic painting rags have been cut with a rotary cutter.

I made some random cuts through a few joined pieces…..

Several acrylic painting rags have been stitched together

…and then stitched them to other ones…

…and then trimmed it again ready to attach to another piece.

Soon I’ll make a pattern to help shape these pieces. For now, it’s fun just playing!


Tiny but important


More ideas on ‘Need’