Faster facets

It works. The idea I had yesterday regarding a quicker method of piecing the painting rags onto the pattern is very efficient and effective. This is how I did it:

A finger pointing to a black and white image of a diamond ring. To the right is a white piece of fabric with black lines drawn on it.

I drew an outline of the shapes I saw in the reference image.

Two pieces of white triangular fabric with black lines drawn on. A pair of black and pink scissors sits on top. Background is a green and pink tartan wool blanket.

I made another pattern piece and traced the shapes on them. When I cut out the second piece I made sure to leave about 5mm seam allowance around the edges.

Painting rags that have been cut into pieces for a patchwork quilt, purple pencil and black and pink fabric scissors.

I cut along the black lines on one of the pattern pieces. Then I placed each individual piece on a painting rag, traced around it in pencil then cut it out leaving approx. 5mm seam allowance.

I’ve stitched a few on. Works a treat!

Observations from this method:

  • Using a ruler when I draw the pencil lines will be faster and easier. The pencil currently pulls the fabric too much but a ruler would hold the fabric down.

  • I’m remembering more of my method of making another fabric diamond years ago. I’ll have to show it to you, I’m very proud of it.

I’m very happy with this method. I’m excited to keep going.


Gold Kangaroo


Trying to break the ‘self-imposed’ rules