Cutting the diamond pieces
I’ve been using the same painting rag for a few pattern pieces on each facet. This is how I make the cutting process a little faster:
I place a few pattern pieces close to the edge of the rag.
Put the ruler on top. I line the tape line up with the pattern pieces. The space between the tape and the edge of the ruler will form the seam allowance (5mm).
Cut with the rotary cutter against the ruler and I get a lovely straight line!
These are the pattern pieces on top of the cut out rag.
And this is what the painting rag pieces look like in all their glory!
I cut out all the Value 2, 3 and 4 pattern pieces but didn’t get to Value 5 (the darkest pieces). There are no Value 1 (white) pieces in this diamond facet.
I want to start stitching them together but I know I have to cut out the Value 5 pieces first. But it’s so tempting to begin!